
Discover Beauty Through Healthish Living, Skincare and Makeup Tips for Ages 40+

Unlock natural beauty secrets with tailored skincare and makeup advice for those over 40. Explore nourishing recipes, skincare tips, and makeup techniques for a radiant beauty journey.

Natural Skincare:

Learn about natural skincare ingredients to improve skin health. Achieve glowing skin with tailored formulations for mature skin, including masks and serums.

Makeup for Ages 40+:

Discover makeup tips to enhance your features confidently. Explore age-appropriate techniques to accentuate natural beauty and style.

How are you?

How are you?

How are you? Really? Day 4 of staying put. Trying to live as normal as possible. I will be writing my daily stuff. I think that finding joy in all this is crucial. Find something that will distract you. I did. I love writing. Blogging. Vlogging. DIY. It gives me peace. What about you? So…How are you holding up? Are you working at home? Do your kids have childcare? Is your fridge and pantry stocked up? What are you feeling? Scared? Numb? Anxious? How’s your eating? Getting in your workouts? Finding balance? How can we still live normally? Can we? We must. As much as we possibly can. Remembering this is only temporary. TEMPORARY. We have to be strong. Especially for the ones we love. Showing grace, peace and strength.


Day 1…

Ok so I did do life normal. Other than sleeping in a bit. Read my bible. Got my workout in. Walked with my sweet mom. Knowing that would most likely change. I ate on point. Vlogged my day. Did my normal running around. Because that’s what I do when I am off. It was different. People were different. Stores were different. Routines were different. Everything was different. I knew that I had to find some things to keep myself busy without doing my normal things. I needed to make a list. But, I ended up being willy nilly instead. Ending my night with my loves. All of them. This is not the norm. They are normally out and about doing their own thing. Busying themselves. It was nice having them home. I realized how much I miss out family time.


Day 2…

Today was a little different. I did get up with Dave and have coffee. Skipped my bible and devotion time. Not sure why. I needed it. Grocery shopping for necessities. Walked with my mom. Made French toast. Finally made my list of things I wanted to get done. Wrote on my chalkboard. Boys helped their PapPap. Cut lots of sleeves off shirts. lol. Food on point. Walked with Dave. And a little vlogging throughout the day. Calista helped cook. Dinner was good. Day 2 was good.


Oh! Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

Day 3…

Got things accomplished. Up early with my love. Coffee. Lots of coffee. Chalk painted my mantle. Cali and Parker went to buy coffee pot and lawnmower. How could both break down. Parker helped out his PapPap. Cut grass too. Chores done. Got takeout from Meals by Misty for lunch. Got ready. Put on MAKEUP! Felt normal. Hung out with sis. Laughed a lot. Finished my vlog. Dinner was take out. Food was fair. Chaz came home from work. Chatted with him. He made his first HUGE adult decision not to go on his spring break trip. Proud mom moment. Did not want to have to make this decision for him. Watching him grown up. Edited my video. Tried to post video. Realized I did’t have enough storage. Stayed up WAY past my bedtime. Spent time with Chaz. Chatted with Chaz some more. Went to bed. Day 3 was good.


Day 4…

Our new normal. Coffee with Dave. Uploaded my vlog on YouTube. Finally. Bible. Devotion. Breakfast. Suppose to be omelet. Turned egg scramble. Decided to write. Here I am. What’s next…To be continued.

Ok so things have changed. How can we survive all this? Doing life as normal as possible. It will have to look different but how we embrace it is up to you and I. So what will you do to make sure you are happy, calm, well, and sane? By living one day at a time. Letting go of all anxiety, fear, worry and the unknown and LETTING GOD. It sounds so simple. And it is. I want you to know I am here for you. Praying for you. This is up to us to make a difference in our world.

It starts with one.

One prayer.

One decision.

One moment.

Let’s do this together.

How can I pray for you today?


Much love and God Bless,


What I’m learning.

What I’m learning.

Let's talk.