
Discover Beauty Through Healthish Living, Skincare and Makeup Tips for Ages 40+

Unlock natural beauty secrets with tailored skincare and makeup advice for those over 40. Explore nourishing recipes, skincare tips, and makeup techniques for a radiant beauty journey.

Natural Skincare:

Learn about natural skincare ingredients to improve skin health. Achieve glowing skin with tailored formulations for mature skin, including masks and serums.

Makeup for Ages 40+:

Discover makeup tips to enhance your features confidently. Explore age-appropriate techniques to accentuate natural beauty and style.

I’m ok.

I’m ok. Sometimes not ok. How about you sweet friend? Either way. It’s ok. The beauty of this, is no matter what, it is going to be ok. Living through one of the hardest season of my life has really opened my eyes and softened my heart. Realizing that the little things. The hard things. The really good things. You soak them all in. They feel differently than ever before. Trying to be strong. Putting on the brave face. Holding in the tears. Relying on your own selfish needs and wants. Instead I’m working on being still and letting go of self and letting God. Is it that easy? Not all the time. But today. I choose His will, grace and love. Now tomorrow. It might not be as easy. Having the choice. The strength. It’s all up to me. He gave me that.

I’ve struggled finding the time to write. Even when I need to see the words written down the most. Black and White. It’s just hard. Hard to be transparent. To show I’m hurting. Happy. Just ok. Maybe not ok. My daddy strongest gifts was sharing. His story. The good. Bad. Ugly. To help others. Spread the love of Jesus. Listening. With no judgment. Always forgiving. Being kind. Loving no matter what. Cherishing every moment. To be strong. Not take one second for granted. I want these things. To hold tightly to what He not only taught me but showed me. Not just words. He took action. I truly believe my daddy lived out his purpose. I will forever be proud of him for that. And my priority from this day forward is to do the same. Make him proud.

My life. Although full of highs and lows. I know that I’ve done my best. Being a wife. Mom. Daughter. Sister. Friend. I’ve been far from perfect. I’ve failed multiple times. More than I care to count. Realizing I’ve done ok. More than ok sometimes. I know God is working in me. Through me. He is not done with me yet. As He lifts me up when I fall. I promise to do the same to those I love. This life is up to me to live it to the fullest. Living out His plan. Not perfectly. Imperfectly Perfect. One day at a time. Ok or not ok. That’s ok.

Sweet friend. Don’t ever forget how amazing you are. Beautiful you are. Loved you are. Enough you are. Flippin phenomenal you are.


Just. Ok. Jme.

Thank you.

What if?