
Discover Beauty Through Healthish Living, Skincare and Makeup Tips for Ages 40+

Unlock natural beauty secrets with tailored skincare and makeup advice for those over 40. Explore nourishing recipes, skincare tips, and makeup techniques for a radiant beauty journey.

Natural Skincare:

Learn about natural skincare ingredients to improve skin health. Achieve glowing skin with tailored formulations for mature skin, including masks and serums.

Makeup for Ages 40+:

Discover makeup tips to enhance your features confidently. Explore age-appropriate techniques to accentuate natural beauty and style.

My boys.

My boys. My heart. Being a boy mom is one of the greatest and hardest. They both have the sweetest hearts but I have ruined them. With my baby girl Calista. I made her independent, tough and fearless. My Chaz and Parker. Well let’s just say I have given in too much. I have treated them like babies. Because, they are my babies. Being their mom I have a tendency to not say no enough. Threaten too much. Not follow through. My job as their mom is to mold them and shape them into good Godly men. Although I know I have done well. I still have time to get right what I got so wrong. Do you parent your kiddos different? Do you have days were you look at your babes and wonder what in the world happened? Oh I have.

Chaz is my free spirit. Fun loving. Sweet heart. Giver. Taker. Hard headed. Potty mouth. Bad tempered. Boy. I knew he was going to be something special the day I laid my eyes on him. He definitely stole my heart. But he has been my hardest. He pushes the limits. Is a rule breaker. Has a hard time listening and sitting still. He is so much like me but sometimes. I am the rule follower he is not. All the rest is exactly me. So how do I handle him. Very carefully. I know what I need to do. So why don’t I? Because he drives me crazisauce. Period.

Parker. Oh my sweet boy. Big hearted. My doer. Goes above and beyond. Helps out. Plays video games too much. Pouts a lot. Gets bummed easily. He is always up to taking on a challenge but cautious. He loves big. Gives the best hugs. Talks way too much. He has been my easiest but I have been pretty hard on him. I expect more. He is capable. He is the one that gets the blunt of the blame. He is my homebody. Handling my P is easier. I do owe him more hugs for what he puts up with. Ha!

So two boys. Growing up together. I expected less. So they are a little lazy. I pushed their sissy too much and gave in with them. I’m not saying that they are completely incapable. I just realize I need to expect a little more. Pray a lot. Yelling less. Talking with them. Do things calmer. With a little more compassion. Teach them. Listen. Take a moment and enjoy them. It might sound crazy but I love the insane, loud, and boisterous moments with them. I enjoy their stories even if they don’t get to the point right away. I’m not losing hope. There is still time to invest.

I can not wait to see what He has in store for them. The Lord is working in them and through them. Shaping them. He is capable of way more than I could ever imagine. I must believe, pray and trust the process. He gave me my boys for a reason. He knew I was capable. I just have to let go and let Him. There is no greater joy than watching my boys travel the path the Lord so carefully prepared for them.

Nothing better than being a mom. Added bonus a boy mom. Parenting has not been my strong suite. But I know I’ve done well. I wish I could take back time. Bottle it up. Breath more. Get frustrated less. Have more compassion. Directed more. Helped them be more responsible. It’s my job to help them, guide them, help them grow into strong men of God. To be fierce. To love unconditionally. To show forgiveness . Be independent. Teachable. To be kind. To work hard. To lean on Him. Be themselves. Thrive. Grow.

If your a mom. Stepmom. Going to be a mom. Enjoy your babes. It’s not for the fant of heart. It’s the hardest job ever. Know you are not alone. That you got this. Take one day at a time. Take time for you so you can be your best for them. Don’t get discouraged. We, us moms, have all been there. Reach out to other moms. Talk. Share. Cry. Rest in knowing you are doing one AMAZING job! I believe in YOU! He created you for such a time as this. It’s well worth all the tears, laughs, and sweet moments!

Praying for you mommas out there! You GOT THIS!!


That’s life.

That’s life.

It’s been real.

It’s been real.