
Discover Beauty Through Healthish Living, Skincare and Makeup Tips for Ages 40+

Unlock natural beauty secrets with tailored skincare and makeup advice for those over 40. Explore nourishing recipes, skincare tips, and makeup techniques for a radiant beauty journey.

Natural Skincare:

Learn about natural skincare ingredients to improve skin health. Achieve glowing skin with tailored formulations for mature skin, including masks and serums.

Makeup for Ages 40+:

Discover makeup tips to enhance your features confidently. Explore age-appropriate techniques to accentuate natural beauty and style.

Giving instead of receiving.


Giving instead of receiving. I’m a December baby. My due date was December 24th but I decided that was too late to celebrate. My birthday is December 14th, 1977. Kind of funny since I’m too impatient. Haha! There is nothing better than being born in this special month. Jesus’s birthday. A season of giving. Time to spend with the ones you love. It’s my most favorite time of the year. Because? My parents made sure that they celebrated my birth and celebrated BIG. Because of them I make sure to celebrate Him and others too!! It’s not just about me but those I love and adore so much.

So guess what?? I’m going to celebrate my birthday and HIS birth by GIVING TO YOU!! I’m partnering with some amazing brands. So get ready!!

Tomorrow starts off my days of giving. Each day I will have a new happy to share with you. I have always wanted to do this and decided it was the perfect time. I can not explain the joy I have right now knowing I will be able to gift one of my sweet friends a gift. It’s truly a blessing. So thankful for this community and I just want to spread the love of giving instead of receiving.

I don’t know about you but the hustle and bustle of this season can become so stressful. We get overwhelmed. Like I did today. Frustrated. Like I did yesterday. Crazy. Like I do everyday. How about we take a moment and just BREATH. Soak in this season with THANKFULNESS. LOVE. GRACE. FORGIVENESS. PEACE. JOY. HOPE. GIVING.

Get ready my friends. I can not wait to give instead of receive.

Love you all so stinkin much and hope you have the most AMAZING CHRISTMAS. Full of all the HAPPY things He has in store for you.



Oh, HEY new decade.

Oh, HEY new decade.

That's not what I expected.

That's not what I expected.