
Discover Beauty Through Healthish Living, Skincare and Makeup Tips for Ages 40+

Unlock natural beauty secrets with tailored skincare and makeup advice for those over 40. Explore nourishing recipes, skincare tips, and makeup techniques for a radiant beauty journey.

Natural Skincare:

Learn about natural skincare ingredients to improve skin health. Achieve glowing skin with tailored formulations for mature skin, including masks and serums.

Makeup for Ages 40+:

Discover makeup tips to enhance your features confidently. Explore age-appropriate techniques to accentuate natural beauty and style.

Oh, HEY new decade.

Oh, HEY new decade.

Oh HEY new decade. New year. New Year focus. Outlook. New me. Newness. Love what the new year brings. New chapters are my fav. It looks different for us all. It can’t be duplicated. I start every year the same. Setting goals. Making all the necessary to do’s for the year. Getting all the junk done before the new year starts so I can start fresh. Do you do the same? Maybe not exactly but pretty close? I am so tired of starting the new year with all the goals and not sticking to them. Nope. Not this year. I will not post my personal goals. I don’t want this year to start the same as I do EVER. STINKIN. YEAR. I WILL DO ME! I am deciding this decade. Year. To do things a whole lot different. This year will be full of goals. But will be done with the mindset of ONE. DAY. AT. A TIME. I can not do long term goals. This year I have to commit to goals day to day. A daily minigoal (thank you Ash).


So what do you do for your new years goals? Daily, weekly, monthly? Do you set yourself up to succeed or fail? Tell me what goals that you had in 2019 that just didn’t go as planned. As I look back on 2019 I realize I did things I never thought I would do but fell short of things that I knew I needed to be strong in. I’m not beating myself up. I have realized that although life didn’t seem so crazy I allowed circumstances I lived to own me. Stress. Kids. Relationships. Comparison. Social Media. Expectations. Real Life. You know. That thing that happens day to day that kind of steers you wrong. Yep. It happened. I see it. Feel it. Know it. It hurts. To know that even though I have worked so hard. The work is not enough.

Why? The work is not enough. We have to do. Period. I know that Jesus came to set me free. YOU free. So what is next. Owning that! To live healthy and full we must do. Period. I say it all the time. This journey is not perfect nor did anyone say it would be. It may look perfect as you scroll through your social media but it’s not real. It’s all highlight real. Don’t lose sight of what’s really there. Remember all of us have been there. May not be the exact same but we all struggle. A LOT!

Going into this new year I have not written down my goals. But I will. They are embedded in me already. I know. I will accomplish. Determination. Strength. Consistency. Grace. What I love about this journey. My story. Is that I can have all the restarts. But. I must DO. Stop talking about it and DO. Do my all. Give my all. For me. My hubby. My family. My job. My friends. My relationships. My God. Him. Not perfect. But progress. In EVERYTHING. I’m owning one goal. To make Jesus my priority. The rest will fall into place. I believe it. I know it.

I would love to hear your heart. Your dreams. Your goals. How can I pray for you for this amazing new year. new decade……

It’s about action.

It’s about action.

Giving instead of receiving.