
Discover Beauty Through Healthish Living, Skincare and Makeup Tips for Ages 40+

Unlock natural beauty secrets with tailored skincare and makeup advice for those over 40. Explore nourishing recipes, skincare tips, and makeup techniques for a radiant beauty journey.

Natural Skincare:

Learn about natural skincare ingredients to improve skin health. Achieve glowing skin with tailored formulations for mature skin, including masks and serums.

Makeup for Ages 40+:

Discover makeup tips to enhance your features confidently. Explore age-appropriate techniques to accentuate natural beauty and style.

It’s about action.

It’s about action.

It’s about action. That’s exactly what I needed to hear today. Thank you P Steve. The past two weeks have been about our mission. I love this. Because it relates to every part of my life. Action. That’s what I have lacked that here lately. In my spiritual walk with God. With me mentally and physically. With my journey. On Mission. I’ve gotten lazy. Consistency with so many things but lacking in others. Why do I/we lose our momentum? This new year have you thought about that? I have….


I know why. Thinking we can do it differently. We got this. Nope. Not always. I don’t. Losing weight. Exercise. Meal prepping. Tracking. It becomes what we know. Engrained in us. Our daily routine. Habits. What we do. Then when we get to where we want to be. Dream to be. Reach goal. See the success. We tend to become complacent. Not all of us. But some. Slowly slipping back into old habits. Not right away. One. Two. Three. Four. Pounds. Creeping back. Realizing you need to recommit. Start fresh. Get back into your grove. Get your crap together. For the one millionth time. You allow stress. Life. Family. Worry. Inconsistency. Lack of self control. Creep on in. You give in.

How do we stop this crazy cycle. The one we have lived in our whole lives. ACTION. We have to take action. Take control back. Reevaluate our goals, dreams, and accomplishments. Fight for what we want. Getting it done. We may fall. But stop allowing the fall to leave permanent marks. The only way to do that is to keep going. Finding that focus and holding on to it tight. It’s hard to figure out. Losing weight is hard. Finding an exercise you love is hard. Tracking is hard. Maintenance is hard. Life is hard. It is up to you. To Me. To make it worth the HARD. Each day we are given a new chance. A fresh start. Take from what we have learned and take the action to make it happen!

You all know that I have been struggling lately with my weight. My eating. My consistency. I talk to Dave a lot about all the things. Even when I have repeated myself over and over, he continues to listen. You know what? He is pretty darn wise. He tells it like it is. Dave has loved me at my thinest and at my heaviest. He knows me. He gives me advice. I listen. Funny. Do I? Dave said somethings to me and it hit hard. He said the difference in my year at getting to goal and now is my attitude. I am either all in. Or mediocre. I may be crazy obsessive about my dreams and goals but here lately I forget how hard I have fought HARD to get where I am. I took the action necessary to reach my goals. Period. I have worked hard. Too darn hard to let that all slip away. I need and want that feeling again. That strength. That drive. That want. Want to be. Healthier. Stronger. Happier. I’m ready for the All in. ALL ACTION. Are you?

Today. It’s time. Are you in?

God, help me take the ACTION necessary to be who you have called me to be. I’m READY.

Exciting news! Just uploaded my first meal prep Sunday video on YouTube! Go check it out!


Same ole’ stuff.

Same ole’ stuff.

Oh, HEY new decade.

Oh, HEY new decade.