
Discover Beauty Through Healthish Living, Skincare and Makeup Tips for Ages 40+

Unlock natural beauty secrets with tailored skincare and makeup advice for those over 40. Explore nourishing recipes, skincare tips, and makeup techniques for a radiant beauty journey.

Natural Skincare:

Learn about natural skincare ingredients to improve skin health. Achieve glowing skin with tailored formulations for mature skin, including masks and serums.

Makeup for Ages 40+:

Discover makeup tips to enhance your features confidently. Explore age-appropriate techniques to accentuate natural beauty and style.

Wait. What?

Wait. What?

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Wait. What? I think having that extra day in February was good for me. Why? After today’s weigh in I am down 2.8 pounds for the month. My first month of ending with a loss since November. It felt good. So GOOD. You all know how I am about that darn box. It owns me. It is only a tool, thank you Mindi for the reminder, why then do I allow it to effect me so much? Because I am me. Real. Me. I wanted this new year to be different and it’s looking that way. I am finally feeling myself and getting back to where I need to be physically, spiritually and emotionally. Of course not without a lot of crazy in between..because? guess what? I am living. Therefore life will happen. If I am ready for it or not. See, this year is already going in the right direction. I’m loving it.

The past two weeks I have committed to the purple plan on WW. Calista and I were chatting and thought we would try the purple out together. So much better. Together. She had been doing blue and I was on green. Not that it was difficult either way but we felt like doing the same plan together would help us stay more accountable. And it truly has. We love it. I love it. I love the flexibility of the good, fueling and filling foods. I have felt more satisfied. My workouts are better. I just feel better. Having less points to splurge on snacks. Is good for me. I have a tendency to go way overboard with my snacking. I was finding that my snacks were more junk, less filling foods. I needed to find balance. I know for me. Balance is key. Consistency is key. Growth is key.

When myww launched I loved that green was BACK. It is what I lost all my weight on. Right after hitting lifetime, freestyle rolled out. It didn't work for me. Not because of the program but because of me. I was in weight loss mode for so long that switching to maintenance, starting a new workout CrossFit and a new ww program was darn tough. I had to retrain myself. I didn’t do too good. I didn’t understand maintaining my weight was going to be so difficult. Then word of new program was announced as 2019 came to a close and I was so excited. Getting back to what I knew and what was comfortable for me. Going green. I was beyond excited. Little did I know that maybe. Just maybe I could switch it up even more. I was so intrigued by the purple plan. I wanted to wait till after I got back to goal. I was hesitant. Well sometimes is time to break out of your comfort zone. I decided the time was now. Not waiting. Doing it. And I love the switch. Who would’ve thought. ;)

Here is what I know. No matter where you are on your journey to get healthier. stronger. happier. You have to do what works for YOU!! It’s up to you. To be consistent. To be committed. To be ready. To be YOU! Please know the steps you are walking. The path so uniquely laid out for you. Are your’s. Specifically for you. He did that. So perfectly. It’s beautiful. It’s tough. It’s rewarding. It’s frustrating. It’s eye opening. It’s life. It’s the BEST. I promise.

Thank you for always taking the time to read my blog. My heart. Written for you. I hope that this month was one amazing one. Know you are LOVED. You are ENOUGH. You are AMAZING. You are PERFECT.

xoxo, jme

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