
Discover Beauty Through Healthish Living, Skincare and Makeup Tips for Ages 40+

Unlock natural beauty secrets with tailored skincare and makeup advice for those over 40. Explore nourishing recipes, skincare tips, and makeup techniques for a radiant beauty journey.

Natural Skincare:

Learn about natural skincare ingredients to improve skin health. Achieve glowing skin with tailored formulations for mature skin, including masks and serums.

Makeup for Ages 40+:

Discover makeup tips to enhance your features confidently. Explore age-appropriate techniques to accentuate natural beauty and style.

Update on the "box".

Update on the "box".

Update on the “box”. You know that tool we are all very acquainted with. Seeing the number either makes us happy, confused, excited, sad, amazing, or discouraged. Maybe all those feelings? When it’s not the number you expected. How do you feel? Do you use what you see to beat yourself up. To discourage you. To derail you. That “box” has no idea what you did this week. (Thank you my sweet friend Jane for this reminder) It is only a number. A measurement. An instrument. A machine. It can’t see the hard work you put in. The good foods you fueled with. How strong your workouts were. How determined you had been. It is a scale. A tool. A “box”. We (I) need to remember that. It’s so stinkin important to recognize the fact that the “box” has no idea about all the good this week. How can we change the way we respond to the “box”?

How do we change the way we respond? Just like we do in every situation that life happens to throw at us. Taking that data. That information. Looking at that number. The way we look at life. Documenting it. Embracing it. Using it as information to grow and learn for a new day. Week. Month. Just as we take one day at a time. We must take one number at a time. I am talking (screaming) to myself. I have battled with the “box” far too long. Using it as a way to beat myself up. Allow it to dictate how I should feel about myself and enough is enough. How about you? Are you ready to make the change? The way you look at the “box”.

When I found out I would be home for the rest of our school year, I had this vision of what it would look like. My summer starting early. Enjoying days at home, cooking, planning, organizing, writing, vlogging, journaling, studying, reading, goal setting and goal accomplishing. I knew now was the time to get my crap together. I fought it would be easy. You know because I am at home. Being still. Having the time. But just like that. A month has gone by and finally. FINALLY realizing that I still have to do the things I know how to do. To be successful. To obtain my goals. I have to take it one day at a stinkin time. Just like with life. The “box” as well.

Update. On. The. “Box”. I have decided that I have to check in weekly and attend my virtual WW workshop. Just as consistent as I am with my workouts I have to be with checking my weight. Using the number as data to see what I need to work on or keep doing. So it’s crucial to me right now in my journey. I’m still chipping away the numbers to get back to goal. And that’s ok. Data for the month. Down 2.1. Yes I had a gain this week. But it was a good month. Growing is part of my journey. My story.

Today, I can truly say that I’m happy with me. To be heathier. Stronger. Happier. Living fully. One Day At A Time.

This is what I plan to do. Are you in? I’m going to start today. Not tomorrow. Not on Monday. Today. Write out daily goals. Document the number. Embrace what is. And GO. Take what I am learning and grow from it. Stop allowing “the box” to own ME. To do this thing. This thing called life, one moment at a time. Breathing in all the goodness and exhaling all that holds me back. I’m worth the fight! Are you worth the fight? I AM! AND SO ARE YOU! I’m so proud of you!

I encourage you to write daily goals. Small. Big. Obtainable. GOALS. Use my template below.

We can and will DO THIS. One day at a time. Together. Because we are truly better together. Thankful and feeling blessed!



Todays Goals.png

New spot to write.

Being still.

Being still.