
Discover Beauty Through Healthish Living, Skincare and Makeup Tips for Ages 40+

Unlock natural beauty secrets with tailored skincare and makeup advice for those over 40. Explore nourishing recipes, skincare tips, and makeup techniques for a radiant beauty journey.

Natural Skincare:

Learn about natural skincare ingredients to improve skin health. Achieve glowing skin with tailored formulations for mature skin, including masks and serums.

Makeup for Ages 40+:

Discover makeup tips to enhance your features confidently. Explore age-appropriate techniques to accentuate natural beauty and style.

New spot to write.


New spot to write. Feeling so good. Accomplished. Feeling of growth. Dave and I created us a new spot to enjoy. It’s kinda perfect. As I sit here I feel inspired. Lots of emotions. Feelings. This time. Has been good for my soul. I’m not saying it has been perfect. It’s just been good. I’ve really taken in some good stuff. Much needed stuff. Taken time for stuff. Embraced the stuff. I love writing and I have felt an overwhelming pull to do it more. I know blogging is not “the thing”. But it’s “my thing”. Do you have a “thing”. Something that just makes you feel alive? It can be something big or small. But it’s your “thing”. To relieve much needed stress and allow you to destress from the world. You need that. I need that. More than ever.

I’m tired of being so hard on myself. I want to live fully without feeling guilty. To miss a workout. Have a sweet treat. Live. But not letting go of what I know and what I worked so hard for. You see living is not doing without it’s about doing what you love with no regret and learning through the process. We can spend our time in fear or just do it. I want to stop worrying about what someone else thinks and just do what I was called to do. Live out my purpose and to embrace the craziness of life. Think about it. You. I. wanted to change. Not only the outside but the inside too. So what did we do? We fought. And we are still fighting. Daily. We did it. Slowly. At our pace. It’s ongoing. Never ending. We have to stop trying to figure out what others are doing and do YOU. Find what works for you. You alone. Thats just it. God did not call us to live out someone else’s life. And to do what “they” are doing. His plan is written out just for us. So what now. Just live. Without regret. Without comparison. Without fear. With GRACE.

So I sit. In my new spot. I hope I can encourage you with this. You are AMAZING. You are BEAUTIFUL. You are STRONG. You are LOVED. You are ENOUGH. You are flipping PHENOMENAL!! Never forget it. You story is unique and is yours. Just like mine. I love that. It makes us who we are. What we have been fighting so long for. No matter where you are in your journey. Your story. It is perfect. Embrace it. Enjoy it. LOVE it.

So thankful for this community where I get to share my story with YOU. I’m beyond blessed!



Face to Face

Face to Face

Update on the "box".

Update on the "box".