
Discover Beauty Through Healthish Living, Skincare and Makeup Tips for Ages 40+

Unlock natural beauty secrets with tailored skincare and makeup advice for those over 40. Explore nourishing recipes, skincare tips, and makeup techniques for a radiant beauty journey.

Natural Skincare:

Learn about natural skincare ingredients to improve skin health. Achieve glowing skin with tailored formulations for mature skin, including masks and serums.

Makeup for Ages 40+:

Discover makeup tips to enhance your features confidently. Explore age-appropriate techniques to accentuate natural beauty and style.

Just thankful.

Just thankful.


Just thankful. For this community and an amazing week. I realized we needed something. I needed something. To challenge us. Me. To keep us in check. So why not do something I have never done before. Why not? Create a challenge group “Spring into Summer”. With some amazing ladies. This week I had the opportunity to connect, engage and share with this amazing group of ladies. I could not be more thankful for each of them. They are encouraging, motivating and just incredible. I spent the last week soaking in all the good things this journey is all about. Togetherness. The kind of togetherness between friends lifting each other up and holding each other accountable. It felt good. I’m so thankful. To have these ladies in my tribe. They are truly inspiring.

I wanted this accountability group to be place to just be us. To just share, dream and accomplish goals. Guess what?? It has been just that. I adore these women more than they know. This group was not intended for me but for US. ❤️ A place to connect and feel apart of. Love everything about it!

I hope that the next 10 weeks we not only change on the outside but on the inside. Learning and growing together. One day at a time. I’m so excited to see what is in store for all of us. Taking the time to truly soak in what matters. That life is truly better together.

Im not going to be long winded today… i just want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart. For reading my blog. Joining “our” accountability/challenge Facebook group. Following me on Instagram. Subscribing to my YouTube channel. All these things. Blessed is an understatement.

Happy Memorial weekend. Thankful for all those who serve. And To YOU. You are amazing. You are beautiful. You are loved. You are enough. You are flippin phenomenal.



Finding joy.

Update on maintenance life.

Update on maintenance life.