
Discover Beauty Through Healthish Living, Skincare and Makeup Tips for Ages 40+

Unlock natural beauty secrets with tailored skincare and makeup advice for those over 40. Explore nourishing recipes, skincare tips, and makeup techniques for a radiant beauty journey.

Natural Skincare:

Learn about natural skincare ingredients to improve skin health. Achieve glowing skin with tailored formulations for mature skin, including masks and serums.

Makeup for Ages 40+:

Discover makeup tips to enhance your features confidently. Explore age-appropriate techniques to accentuate natural beauty and style.

All the protein and carbs.

All the protein and carbs. Yes I’m writing about food. While talking to our coach Whit about Dave’s macros she emphasized protein and carbs. It made me really think about fueling my body correctly. The past six years I’ve been focused on losing weight. I did it. And gained some back. I’m still beating myself up for that. But why? Why did I allow myself to gain? To lose my consistency? Confidence? Motivation? Or did I? Maybe just maybe this is where I am suppose to be. Oh that’s it! His plan. Learning to grow through what I’m going through. This has been my quote. It’s so good. Growing. Going. Through.

Back to the protein and carbs. Instead of focusing on fueling my body. I focused on losing weight. Getting to my thinnest self. Then I got there. But never truly learning how to fuel my body correctly. Realizing it’s OK to eat all the protein and all the carbs. Finding balance is what’s important. Eating is important. It’s to fuel your body so you feel your best self. I have focused on eating more proteins and carbs. Focusing on macros and good wholesome foods. Not perfect foods all the time. Living one bite at a time. Having a better relationship with food. I’ve struggle my whole life. Never truly digging deep and finding the root of why. I believe that it starts with protein and carbs. Food. Eating. Learning about your relationship with food. Some of us don’t struggle. Some of us do.

It’s time to start. Baby steps. Seeing where you struggle. Not denying yourself. Finding foods that fuel. Finding you. Finding Him. Taking care of you. Taking time for you. Letting go of what the world says. Letting go of self. Finding balance. In your journey. Getting nutrients not only from food but from His word. Learning to grow through what you are going through. This is hard. His gives you another chance. Thankful for that. Giving yourself grace. Not relying on a number to define your worth. Looking in the mirror and loving YOU!

So eat the protein and carbs. That piece of cake. Find balance in your journey. Fueling your body. To be strong. To be happy. To be fearfully and wonderfully you.

Watch my latest grocery haul YouTube video!

Growing through what I am going through.

Cleaning out.