
Discover Beauty Through Healthish Living, Skincare and Makeup Tips for Ages 40+

Unlock natural beauty secrets with tailored skincare and makeup advice for those over 40. Explore nourishing recipes, skincare tips, and makeup techniques for a radiant beauty journey.

Natural Skincare:

Learn about natural skincare ingredients to improve skin health. Achieve glowing skin with tailored formulations for mature skin, including masks and serums.

Makeup for Ages 40+:

Discover makeup tips to enhance your features confidently. Explore age-appropriate techniques to accentuate natural beauty and style.

Sisterhood grows.

Sisterhood grows. If you are like me friendships have been hard. It’s work. Takes time. Patience. Grace. Kindness. Understanding. Ups and Downs. AND lots of love!

Growing in relationships with those I love is so important. I am stubborn at times because doing this requires lots of growth. With yourself. I have had such a difficult time realizing that I am alot for some and just enough for others. I am beyond loud, crazy, silly, obsessive, worrisome, an overthinker, and a lot of other things. which makes me. ME! I never want to lose that.

All my life I have been told I am too much. This weekend. It taught me that I am just ENOUGH!

Find your sisterhood. Love them fierce. Grow together. Learn together. Just be yourself. TOGETHER. It’s so worth it!

These women. ARE Amazing. BEAUTIFUL. And Flippin Phenomenal! Thank you for your friendship!

And YOU my friend. Thankful for you too! Blessed is an understatement!

To be continued…

Today feels hit a lil different.

Be kind.